Friday 27 November 2015

So Wrong - So Right Review

So Wrong - So RightSo Wrong - So Right by Glenis Wilson

Emma Wetherford has always put her children first, remaining in a loveless marriage for their sake. When she meets Milo Kent, they both recognise their true soulmate in each other. But Milo loves his wife Wendy, and will never leave her: after sustaining life-changing injuries in an accident years ago, she is completely dependent upon her husband's care. Emma and Milo pack a lifetime of love into one week, before they must return to their responsibilities. But the power of destiny will not be denied...

Claire's Review 3 of 5 Stars

This book is about the life of Emma, a wife and a mother who is in a coma, and her children are trying to pull her out of it using emotional triggers. unknown to her sons, Emma had told a story of her life to her daughter, who reveals the story to her brothers in an attempt to bring their mother back.

This is quite a hard review for me to write. On one hand I really enjoyed this book, it had a great storyline, full of love and sorrow, but on the other hand, I just felt that something was missing somewhere. I didnt find myself warming to the main character at all, even though I understood and sympathised with her, and what she was going through, and I thought the daughter and sons were rather too calm over the fact that their mother had been living a lie for so many years.

An enjoyable read, but I think it just needs a litle bit more.

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